Ecosystem Update: Tratok Labs launches, allowing developers to build on Tratok’s Ecosystem

Ecosystem Update: Tratok Labs launches, allowing developers to build on Tratok’s Ecosystem

When people think of Tratok, the first ideas that spring to their minds are cryptocurrency or blockchain. While Tratok is closely associated with the two, at its very core Tratok is a travel and hospitality ecosystem with the purpose of constructively disrupting the sector. As such, it is in the company’s DNA to get involved in every avenue which changes the industry for the better. Many different stakeholders have been a part of the process so far, mainly clients and service providers. Today we welcome a new actor to the Tratok Ecosystem, the independent developer. We understand that there is plenty of creativity and talent out there that can contribute to the technological revolution of the digital economy in the hospitality sector and want to play our part in supporting…
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Showcase: Tratok the world’s most feature-rich travel ecosystem

Showcase: Tratok the world’s most feature-rich travel ecosystem

Rome was not built in a single day and Tratok did not become the world's most feature-rich stand-alone travel ecosystem in one night. There have been a lot of enhancements over the last 18 months and we could spend hours writing about all of them. However, your time is precious and many of you have journeys to book. Therefore we will be kind and take up only two minutes of your time:   [html5_video id=7366]
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Project update: First guests have already started their reservations. Roll out continues.

Project update: First guests have already started their reservations. Roll out continues.

There is a feeling of great harmony among the team right now. After years of work, overcoming the challenges of Covid19 and constant improvements and feedback, our first users are making their reservations on the Tratok Travel Ecosystem. It is a truly rewarding feeling to see all the hard work, sacrifice and determination pay off and begin to bear fruit. There is an old saying that we are familiar with: "Actions are louder than words." The Team believes that we have stood by these values and delivered under the most challenging of circumstances and are elated that we can now share this marvel with the world. While others just talked about how great they are, Tratok built something great. We understand that many people were concerned over a lack of…
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Project Update: The start of a new year and Tratok’s future

Project Update: The start of a new year and Tratok’s future

2021 was another challenging year for Tratok, following the extreme challenges posed to the whole hospitality industry during 2020. As far as blockchain disruptors go, Tratok should have been more vulnerable than most due to a combination of the privately funded nature of the project and its focus on the hospitality sector, the sector most ravaged by the Covid19 pandemic. Thankfully Tratok persevered through this challenge to emerge stronger than ever. While others laid-off employees, Tratok increased its staff headcount by over 300% during this period. In addition, the number of partnerships grew by over 1000% and many additional features were added to the ecosystem. Finally, in the spirit of unity and support for the industry, Tratok in fact conducted many events to support Government tourism initiatives as well as…
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Ecosystem update: Cruise module implemented

Ecosystem update: Cruise module implemented

Over the last 10 months, Tratok's developers have been hard at work implementing cruise rentals into the ecosystem for our travelers to benefit from. Two months ago, they finished the first iteration and testing on a small scale took place. Today, we are happy to announce that the ecosystem now features cruises on all seven continents during all four seasons for all manner of cruises. Be it budget or luxury, river or ocean, coastal or transocean, Tratok has it! What does our current inventory look like? At the time of writing, the ecosystem features 2,513 unique cruises (not counting cruises that have multiple excursion times).   [foogallery id="7323"]     The successful integration of this latest plugin into the Tratok Ecosystem is just another step in realizing the community's dreams…
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Ecosystem update: Inter-user communication updated with multi language support

Ecosystem update: Inter-user communication updated with multi language support

In our last update for the social module plugin for the ecosystem, the Team had promised the userbase an improved method of communication following their feedback. The Team is delighted to announce that we have now delivered on this promise and implemented this functionality into the ecosystem for all users of the Tratok Travel APP and Tratok Travel PWA. Introducing TratChat, a lightweight, secure and privacy compliant chat application that is built into the ecosystem to allow communication between all users in real-time. The functionality of TratChat will bring our users multiple benefits: It will increase social interaction between users and encourage the making of friends all around the world. It will enhance communication between clients and service providers, reducing misunderstands and ensuring more complete information and a better experience…
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Ecosystem update: Tratok now supports 10 major languages

Ecosystem update: Tratok now supports 10 major languages

It has always been Tratok’s intention to be the world’s travel token. We could not claim this to be an ambition without supporting multiple languages. This would be hypocritical and a falsehood. Users of the ecosystem would have realized that over the last year we have been adding full support and translation for multiple of the world’s major languages. Today we are happy to announce that the total amount of languages supported by the ecosystem has now reached double digits. At 10, it might be the smallest of the double digits but it is a start and a sign of things to come. We currently support the following languages: Arabic English French Spanish German Russian Hindi Japanese Korean Turkish   We look forward to multiplying this number even more in…
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Ecosystem update: Car rental module implemented

Ecosystem update: Car rental module implemented

One of the easiest ways to get around when traveling is of course via automobile. While for short distances one can resort to the use of a public taxi (another ambition for Tratok to implement), should your needs be longer-term it can be far more economical to have your own method of transportation at your disposal. Seeing as how it is very unlikely that you packed one in your suitcase, Tratok is happy to accommodate. Today the Team is proud to announce the implementation of the car and transport rental service module into the overall travel ecosystem. Over the last two years, we have been working out partnerships with service providers in order to bring the best deals to consumers and over the last quarter we have been hard at…
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Updates for consumers implemented following stakeholder feedback

Updates for consumers implemented following stakeholder feedback

One of the core commitments of Tratok is to put great importance on user feedback. We understand that the most important aspect of the ecosystem is the users and will always strive to provide the features that they want. Last quarter the two most requested features for the social ecosystem plugin were: The ability to share images on each user’s wall and to share their adventures with their friends on the ecosystem. To make the inter-user communication module less email-like and more user-friendly. The Team has agreed that both requests would add significant value and have worked to implement these upgrades into the Tratok Ecosystem. As of today, users are now able to add galleries to their walls and control the privacy of these. Using our co-founder Mohammed as a…
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Service Provider APIs released

Service Provider APIs released

The main goal of Tratok's ecosystem is to make the world a smaller place and make travel more accessible. For this goal to be realized, it is important that we factor in every stakeholder that plays a role at Tratok. We have already successfully demonstrated that Tratok is able to give consumers a more transparent deal with greater security and lifestyle benefits at more economical prices. However, we have not neglected our service providers. This month's release of the service provider APIs demonstrates that commitment. These APIs have multiple benefits, some of which are: The ability to manage pricing and inventory in under a minute every day. The ability to view and manage bookings and reservations in under a minute each time. The ability to integrate Tratok directly into any…
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