Tratok launches restaurants module with ground breaking event

Tratok launches restaurants module with ground breaking event

Company, Dubai, Platform, Progress, Tourism, Trat, Tratok, UAE, United Arab Emirates
Following a period of extensive testing, enhancement and customization, Tratok is happy to announce the inclusion of restaurants and dining packages into the experiences module of the Tratok Travel Ecosystem. To celebrate this milestone, Tratok endorsed three days of workshops in the DIFC, Dubai with none other than the world's best-recognized paella chef, Vicente Rioja. In partnership with Boca’s own prize-winning head chef Matthijs Stinnissen (Caterer Awards 2020: Head Chef of the Year), Chef Rioja helped conclude the event with a wonderful dining experience for the public. Flying in the best Chefs from the world, hosting them in five-star hotels and catering world-class food for the public showcase just a few of the multiple use cases of the Tratok Travel Ecosystem and the Team is delighted at the success of…
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A second chance to change more people’s lives for the better!

A second chance to change more people’s lives for the better!

Company, Dubai, Platform, Progress, Tourism, Trat, Tratok, UAE, United Arab Emirates
As promised in the last update, we are launching a second round of Tratok’s holiday per year for life for two more lucky winners and their partners. We received a lot of excellent feedback from the community about new methods to implement with regards to earning additional tickets. Rest assured that the suggestion that holders of large amounts of tokens be eligible for further entries, will NOT be implemented. Tratok is here for the world and we wish to reward participation from all members, not just the rich.  Therefore, the terms are effectively the same as the previous round (with the sole addition that those who have already won last month’s draw will not be eligible to win a second time). You may find the updated terms and conditions by…
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We start 2021 in a strong position but exponential growth potential lies ahead

We start 2021 in a strong position but exponential growth potential lies ahead

Company, Dubai, Platform, Progress, Tourism, Trat, Tratok, UAE, United Arab Emirates, Website
As we come to the end of the first month of 2021, we look forward to a year with a far more constructive underlying foundation for the travel and tourism sector than 2020. On one hand, the emergence of a vaccine has boosted confidence in the sector and this renewed confidence will rise with more widespread acceptance and adoption of said vaccine. At the same time, the urge to travel will likely be stronger in individuals who have been unable to do so for almost a year now. Finally, and perhaps most importantly for Tratok, the economic devastation caused by the pandemic has forced service providers to change the way they do business and embrace new methods, while at the same time encouraging consumers to think about savings, benefits and…
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As we head towards 2021, Tratok hosts an iconic launch party for a world changing product

As we head towards 2021, Tratok hosts an iconic launch party for a world changing product

Company, Dubai, Platform, Progress, Tourism, Trat, Tratok, Website
If there is a single appropriate word to describe Tratok’s second generation ecosystem launch event, it would have to be “Iconic”. A groundbreaking event, featured by the Dubai Media Office, the Polo Challenge Cup was an event of beauty and great significance. With two hundred visitors in attendance, it showed the strong support and good will behind Tratok. With a turnout including Ministers, Excellencies and leaders from the hospitality and travel industry, the message was very clear. The industry believes in Tratok and is throwing their support behind the platform. At the same time, there is another equally important message here. The fact that such a large group of people can get together, be safe and have fun delivers an even more important sign. It shows light at the end…
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A few thoughts from the Team before Tratok’s November 14th launch announcement

A few thoughts from the Team before Tratok’s November 14th launch announcement

We are happy to report that over the last fortnight, pilot tests were successfully conducted involving seven different groups from Europe composed of thirteen individuals from five different countries and seven different major European cities. Despite the issues of Covid-19, the tests were performed flawlessly with universally positive feedback from all participants and some very constructive feedback which is being implemented into the system by the developers as we write. Most encouraging was not just the smooth and hassle-free operations side but also the ease of use that clients found with the system. Indeed, one gentleman was able to travel without any issue, despite not speaking English! This is a most encouraging sign and as the platform evolves into a multi-lingual platform, we expect this to become even easier. Equally…
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Tratok’s latest deal with Hotel Data Cloud beats our original June 2021 target by 400%.

Tratok’s latest deal with Hotel Data Cloud beats our original June 2021 target by 400%.

The partnership will ensure that the data from Hotel Data Cloud's portfolio of over 11,400 hotels in 153 countries which feature more than 1.2 million rooms, will be utilized by Tratok's ecosystem and its 1.3 million verified users. This partnership offers multiple benefits for service providers and clients. Through leveraging Tratok's blockchain technology, and combining it with HDC's intelligent algorithms, both parties can benefit from timelier, more economic and transparent transactions in Tratok's sanitized ecosystem that is free from manipulation and fraud. At the same time, more accurate and standardized descriptions and data from Hotel Data Cloud will result in enhanced user experiences and higher conversion rates due to cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence content presentation. The combination means that clients get more affordable and better-matched offerings while service providers get better-matched…
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Finishing 2020 on a strong note

Finishing 2020 on a strong note

Company, Dubai, Platform, Progress, Tourism, Trat, Tratok, Website
Following approval from the General Counsel of Tratok Ltd and Tratok Portal LLC, management is happy to announce that trading can now resume. We are delighted to report that we are fully compliant with the newest regulations that are being enforced. As such, the team have contacted the exchanges to request they re-enable trading at their earliest convenience. Furthermore, we are also happy to announce the following schedule with regards to Tratok’s travel ecosystem: September 2020: Senior Managament and Advisors will be hosting fortnightly webinars at which they will discuss new developments, enhacements and progress. These will be public webinars to which the community is invited to attend and ask questions.October 2020: Further pilot tests will be conducted for the flights, accommodation, car rental and experience modules of the ecosystem. The…
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Announcing a life changing gift to the public. Don’t miss out!

Announcing a life changing gift to the public. Don’t miss out!

[wpdevart_countdown text_for_day="Days" text_for_hour="Hours" text_for_minut="Minutes" text_for_second="Seconds" countdown_end_type="time" end_date="09-08-2020 20:20" start_time="1596454984" hide_on_mobile="show" end_time="6,10,20" action_end_time="redirect" content_position="center" top_ditance="10" bottom_distance="10" redirect_url="" countdown_type="button" font_color="#000000" button_bg_color="#3DA8CC" circle_size="130" circle_border="5" border_radius="8" font_size="30" countdown_font_famaly="monospace" animation_type=""][/wpdevart_countdown] Tratok is proud to once again lead the rest of the industry in providing products that are meaningful and revolutionary. This time around, we are raising the bar higher, even by our standards, and are offering something that will truely change peoples lives in ways they cannot imagine. Watch this space, you will kick yourself later if you do not!
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Trading temporarily halted while regulator reviews our 4th license request

Trading temporarily halted while regulator reviews our 4th license request

A courtesy update for all our stakeholders and partners: While the regulator reviews our latest application for a fourth license, Tratok has been asked to co-operate with the exchanges to temporarily halt trading activities while the auditors complete their due diligence. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience, but Management believes that this is the best time to conduct such activities before the rebound in travel activities begin. It is better to get this out of the way now, when activity is limited, rather than when activities resume to normal.
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