Ecosystem Update: Tratok Labs launches, allowing developers to build on Tratok’s Ecosystem

When people think of Tratok, the first ideas that spring to their minds are cryptocurrency or blockchain. While Tratok is closely associated with the two, at its very core Tratok is a travel and hospitality ecosystem with the purpose of constructively disrupting the sector. As such, it is in the company’s DNA to get involved in every avenue which changes the industry for the better.

Many different stakeholders have been a part of the process so far, mainly clients and service providers. Today we welcome a new actor to the Tratok Ecosystem, the independent developer. We understand that there is plenty of creativity and talent out there that can contribute to the technological revolution of the digital economy in the hospitality sector and want to play our part in supporting this talent.

By allowing public developers to make use of Tratok’s service provider information, AI Translation services and travel information, the Team aspires to empower these new stakeholders and create

yet another use case for the Tratok utility token.

Whether you have a valuable information website that you wish to share in multiple languages to add value to more users around the world, or whether you wish to build a nice travel application, Tratok has the solution for you.

Initially, informational APIs will be made available for the following modules in the ecosystem as Phase One of Tratok Labs. These include:

  • Languages
  • Accommodation
  • Cruises
  • Car Rentals

Phase 2 which is scheduled to undergo trials in September 2022 will include transactional functions, with the ability for the developer to earn significant commissions from leads generated from their products. More information about this will be made available once finalized.

The public launch of these APIs adds another valuable component to the Tratok ecosystem and we are excited to see what creative applications emerge from the public.

Happy building everyone,

The Tratok Team

Useful Material:

To get started visit

For support and communication with other developers, we encourage the use of the dedicated GitHub repository here