Good news for Tratokians – Green Light!

Dear Tratokians,

We hope this message finds you well! We want to take a moment to provide you with an update regarding our ongoing commitments and share some exciting news.

First, we want to address the recent two-day delay in processing some of the pending swaps. This hold-up was due to one of our two checking parties being out of the office. We understand how important these swaps are to our community and appreciate your patience during this brief delay. Rest assured, our team is committed to completing this work as soon as possible and will keep you informed every step of the way.

In other news, we’ve had a fantastic time collaborating with our esteemed partners at the Future Hospitality Summit over the past few days. It has been a pleasure to engage in insightful discussions and share ideas. We are looking forward to participating in additional panels throughout the remainder of the event, which we believe will further enhance our collaboration and drive innovative solutions in our space. We really feel this is the most important step in refining and perfecting our offerings to the public and we really hope that you enjoy these as much as we enjoyed creating them. Please know that you are our top priority. In fact, our team has been so focused on ensuring a smooth process for you that we have not even swapped our own tokens! We’re excited to announce that the market will be reopening soon, with pilot test invitations being sent out this week. This is a significant step forward, and we can’t wait for you to be part of it. We believe many of you will remember the dates to start watching out for.

Thank you once again for your continued trust and support. Together, we are shaping the future of Tratok, and we are grateful to have you on this journey with us.

Warm regards,
The Tratok Team