If you can change the world for the better and earlier, then do it! That is what Tratok does!

Tratok is presently carrying out a comprehensive token swap across all Tratok holding wallets. The Team apologizes to the community for the delay in the execution of this operation which is due to the enhanced security implemented in the due diligence process. This is a necessary procedure to avoid people attempting to leverage the existence of two parallel tokens by swiftly transferring the old tokens and attempting to cash these out in a short transfer window. Despite working very closely with the exchanges and having blocked all deposits until the token swap is complete, our system has been able to actively detect such behaviour in some wallets and has immediately proceeded to ban these accounts from integrating with the new smart contract.

The blocking of Tratok transactions across the exchanges has brought about criticism and discontent among certain members of the community. Provided their intentions were honourable, the Tratok Team apologizes to them for the short-term inconvenience and urge them to be patient and see the long-term benefits of a more secure 3rd generation smart contract which is necessary to protect the community from the evils of undesirable elements and fraudsters. 

All patience is eventually rewarded, and while the token swap may be taking longer than initially intended, the distribution of reward tokens has been advanced and will be taking place earlier than planned. The reasons for this are to celebrate, together, the greater success with securing strategic partnerships than we had originally anticipated and the need to now focus all Team efforts on onboarding clients and putting the next elements of the travel ecosystem in the production environment. As with our last three distribution programs, we determined that it was unfair to ask the community to lose time because we had decided to move ahead of schedule faster than anticipated. Our community is our backbone and has been supporting us since the inception of the Tratok project and we wish to honour them for their loyalty by continuously rewarding them – without their unconditional belief in the end product, we would not have been able to reach our milestones and where we are today and be ahead of schedule.  

Once all swaps are complete, the exchanges will implement the new smart contract and resume activities as normal. This will not affect the new exchanges which will be working with the 3rd generation smart contracts in the first place.

Times have never been so exciting. The signing of the business partners has effectively propelled Tratok from being merely a speculative token to being able to finally fulfil its destiny as a utility token accepted in exchange for services in travel and hospitality. The team remains dedicated to moving full steam ahead to enhance and grow the service and product offering available with Tratok – keep posted for more exciting news soon! You are all part of a movement that is changing the world. Be proud!