Visit the world virtually

The desire to travel is one which is innate to man: a desire to learn, to grow one’s self and one’s knowledge. Tratok was developed to be able to democratize travel and tourism and offer this, so far unique, privilege to as many as possible, while offering travel service providers a much-needed respite from the inefficiencies of previous economic models. Our strong and vibrant community, all believers in making the world a fairer and more accessible place have already adopted this and act, every day, in solidarity with a suffering travel and tourism industry. 

As more than half of the world is confined due to the Covin19 epidemic, cities and cultural spaces have had to re-invent themselves and mobilize their resources to allow people to continue to travel and to continue to discover, this time, from the comfort of their own homes. 

The City of Dubai, the birthplace of Tratok, has thus created, an interactive platform allowing each to visit the entire city, walk along the coastline of the Palm or Beach Road and explore the many sights and sounds of this beautiful city.

In the absence of visitors, the world’s leading museums such as the Louvre, The Vatican Museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Rijksmuseum or the Musée D’Orsay have opened their doors to the cameras, offering free virtual tours to culture and museum lovers.  Ballets and Operas such as the Bolshoi and the Opera de Paris offer live performances on platforms such as Youtube, all in the objective of bringing the world to those who can no longer go to the world. 

There is no doubt that Dubai, The Louvre, or the Bolshoi on screen will never equal the real experience, the scents, the sounds the magic of walking into a new place for the first time, experiencing something for the first time, and we all at Tratok are the first to pray for the re-opening of travel and tourism. In the meantime, we applaud such initiatives which make our confinement that much more interesting, that much more cultured and refined. We are allowed to dream a little bit more, and plan our next holiday at the same time . . .