With the Alpha Platform released 7 months ahead of schedule, Tratok’s custodian has a message for the community.

With the Alpha Platform released 7 months ahead of schedule, Tratok’s custodian has a message for the community.

As project custodian, I wanted to take a moment to collectively write to the many of you who have volunteered as Beta Testers. First of all, please allow me to thank you for your time and let you know a little bit more about Tratok Ltd’s ambitions going forward. These have been difficult times for the industry overall. However, despite these conditions, Tratok has flourished. TRAT has gone against the grain of the market to realize consistent gains which the token has held onto. As a result of these gains, the market capitalization has risen from $800,000 to $10,000,000 USD since the token began trading. This is in contrast with the rest of the industry which has fallen an average of 65% during the same period. Numbers and facts are…
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Updates, the next steps and a treasure hunt? We summarize it all.

Updates, the next steps and a treasure hunt? We summarize it all.

Company, Progress, Tourism, Website
As we approach the final month of 2018, the team wanted to share a brief summary of the progress seen in the second half of the year and highlight the challenges that remain in front of us. The Tratok Project has always had the policy of leveraging blockchain technology to address the real problems in the travel and tourism sector. Unlike other projects who wished to capitalize on hype, we devoted ourselves to delivery of a working product. We didn’t raise millions from the public in an ICO to only turn into sloths and show anaemic progress, we left that to the opportunity exploiters. Instead, we have been busy: There has been progress: The smart contract was revised, audited a second time and enhanced. The white paper has been updated.…
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Sharing is caring and Tratok has proven, yet again, that we care!

Sharing is caring and Tratok has proven, yet again, that we care!

Company, Progress
Between the 16th and the 20th of November, Tratok performed their final airdrop, distributing 1.3 billion tokens to over 14,200 accounts in just 4 days. This final airdrop was intended to maximise awareness of the project before the eight-month early launch of the much-awaited Travel platform which is due to be revealed shortly by the Team. Since the inception of the project, Tratok’s strategy of airdropping a controlled number of tokens across a large community is to guarantee widespread adoption of the token as a universal way of paying for the products and services offered on the platform and through the strategic partner network. The reaction to the airdrop, which was largely targeting the loyal Tratok Telegram community and the referral program that was set up within it, has been…
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We have a winner! The results of Tratok Ltd’s competition are in.

We have a winner! The results of Tratok Ltd’s competition are in.

Company, Progress, Tourism
Two weeks ago, we announced a competition to the community in the third edition of our newsletter: Tratok Ltd is launching a 410,000 TRAT prize competition over the next week. To participate is very easy. Write to inspirations@tratok.net telling us where would be your favourite holiday destination to visit using Tratok and why. Please do not forget to include your wallet address in your response. The team will review the responses and vote for their favourites. The top 10 will be featured on Tratok.com and will receive prizes as follows: 200,000 TRAT 100,000 TRAT 50,000 TRAT 25,000 TRAT 10,000 TRAT 5,000 TRAT 5,000 TRAT 5,000 TRAT 5,000 TRAT 5,000 TRAT The team received a total of 912 entrants to the competition and it was honestly a daunting task to select the best.…
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The Tratok Project comes one step closer to connecting the world

The Tratok Project comes one step closer to connecting the world

Company, Progress
The Tratok Project’s first airdrop scheduled for October 1st 2018 has been successfully completed More than 658 million Tratok was airdropped to 6986 registered wallets in this milestone achievement for the project. This gives each new holder an average of just over 94148 Tratok Tokens. The benefits of conducting operations in this way are that it allows early supporters of the project and community members to be rewarded sufficiently for their embracement and backing of Tratok, while at the same time leaving sufficient tokens to ensure widespread adoption over the medium term. This ensures stable release onto the market which will prevent initial oversupply and ensure gradual widespread adoption. In addition, it prevents early adopters hoarding the supply and manipulating the price which would be detrimental to the long-term development…
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International Tourist Arrivals: 8th consecutive year of robust growth

International Tourist Arrivals: 8th consecutive year of robust growth

International tourist arrivals recorded the highest increase in seven years since 2010, some 84 million more than in 2016, reaching 1.3bn last year, up by 6.8% y/y and well above UN’s World Tourism Organization long-term forecast of 3.8% per year for the 2010-2020 period. Sustained travel demand for destinations across all world regions was evident in 2017 with the strong recovery of outbound demand from Brazil and Russia after few years of decline and the ongoing rise of India, also contributing to inbound growth in many destinations. By region, Africa and Europe grew above average at 8.7% and 8.2% y/y growth, respectively. By sub-region, North Africa and Southern and Mediterranean Europe led results in 2017, reflecting firm demand for Mediterranean destinations. Similarly, real international tourism receipts or in better words,…
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Unethical market practices cause a change in Tratok’s distribution philosophy

Unethical market practices cause a change in Tratok’s distribution philosophy

The Tratok project exists to make travel more accessible. The project aims to address shortcomings in the industry by leveraging blockchain technology to eliminate fraud, hidden transaction costs, excessive commissions from financial service providers and online middle mean, and ensure a transparent marketplace with fast booking times and efficient approaches to amendments and refunds. The world-renowned team behind the project believe in the power of blockchain technology to revolutionise the existing sector models and have demonstrated that they can increase service provider profitability by more than 30% while at the same time resulting in lower costs for consumers. However, the same feasibility studies also demonstrated that in order to impact the industry with the desired effect, widespread adoption of the token was required. It was under this philosophy that the…
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The public asks, “Why do Tratok do things differently?” The reason? Tratok wants to succeed.

The public asks, “Why do Tratok do things differently?” The reason? Tratok wants to succeed.

Company, Progress
The vision behind the Tratok token has always been to make travel and tourism more cost-effective, transparent, free of fraud and fairer to all relevant stakeholders. This mission has always been taken into consideration throughout every step of the project’s life and remains the central core principle of the Tratok team. Throughout the requirements capture, team assembly, formulation and realization of the project’s strategy, the integrity of this core value has been the primary focus. The directors and developers at Tratok believe in the ability to leverage new technology to disrupt the sector and make redefining changes. In truth, the primary determining factor in whether the project succeeds is whether the application of the end product is feasible, deliverable and add long-term value. It was with this in mind and…
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Project Update

Project Update

As the project continues to move forward, management feels that it is appropriate to share an update with the community on the progress towards realizing the project's goals. Please find below an update on the current status of the project. The team remains committed to transparency and free communication of information and progress and milestones and will share regular updates with the community as appropriate. Please click here to find May's project update
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New features added to the Tratok Project following community feedback.

New features added to the Tratok Project following community feedback.

The team behind the Tratok Project genuinely believe in our product's ability to revolutionize the travel and tourism industry. Our goal is to build a needed service that addresses the requirements of all industry stakeholders. We understand that in order to realise the project’s objectives, the end product and service needs to add value to the industry.  Therefore it is of paramount importance to our vision that every stakeholder has the best possible user experience. While we have assembled a highly experienced and competent team, we understand that nothing is perfect and there are always ways to improve and therefore we place great emphasis on listening to constructive feedback from the community and implementing changes if we feel that they add value. One of our focuses has been the elimination…
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