The Economic Cost Of The Pandemic

The Economic Cost Of The Pandemic

Company, Progress, Tourism, Tratok
On the third day of deconfinement in France, glimpses of a post COVID life start appearing, within the rules of social distancing still required by the government.    What is interesting is where the lines seem to be drawn: Restaurants are imposed 2 meters between each guest, which effectively cuts the restaurant capacity in half at any given time.  Trains, trying to maintain the 2 meters between each passenger, sell one seat out two, and one row out of two. Even at the station, X’s mark the spot where passengers are allowed to stand to wait for the train. Flights require you to wear a mask and continue to operate as normal.  The rationale behind this is purely economic: any plane is only profitable operating at a minimum 75% capacity.…
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Our Success: Belief, Trust & Simplicity

Our Success: Belief, Trust & Simplicity

Company, Dubai, Progress, Tourism, Tratok, Website
In our previous article, we showcased Warren Buffet’s decision to sell all his airline stocks in the face of the pandemic. To many, the decision of this investment guru to give up on the travel and tourism industry, came as a sign of defeat. It may have scared you. At Tratok, we prefer to look at the word crisis in its original definition, from the Greek “turning point in a disease”. We believe in the future of travel, but we know the present diseased model needs to be disrupted, revolutionized for it to succeed. As one of the fastest-growing industries, travel and tourism had already provided US$ 2.6 trillion to Global GDP in 2016 and indirect contributions amounting to an excess of US$ 7.6 trillion – that is 292 million…
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Decentralized Exchanges Disabled

Decentralized Exchanges Disabled

Company, Dubai, Progress, Tourism, Tratok, Website
Following the advice of our Legal General Counsel in reference to AML-CFT Law16.1(b); AML-CFT Decision24.2-4, 27.7, 28.1-2, 29.4, 37.1-3 as outlined by the central bank of the UAE, Tratok Ltd is locking decentralized exchanges out of the Tratok ecosystem. Having contributed less than 0.04% of activity on average over the last 12 months, we do not expect this to have much of an impact. This was a decision taken by Group Risk following a careful review of the law's application as well as previous case studies where the law has been neglected. As a licensed entity, Tratok has a responsibility of "going concern" as a business and will continue to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations
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Visit the world virtually

Visit the world virtually

Company, Dubai, Progress, Tourism, Tratok
The desire to travel is one which is innate to man: a desire to learn, to grow one’s self and one’s knowledge. Tratok was developed to be able to democratize travel and tourism and offer this, so far unique, privilege to as many as possible, while offering travel service providers a much-needed respite from the inefficiencies of previous economic models. Our strong and vibrant community, all believers in making the world a fairer and more accessible place have already adopted this and act, every day, in solidarity with a suffering travel and tourism industry.  As more than half of the world is confined due to the Covin19 epidemic, cities and cultural spaces have had to re-invent themselves and mobilize their resources to allow people to continue to travel and to…
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A time of renewal

A time of renewal

Company, Dubai, Progress, Tourism, Tratok, Website
In a historic address to the nation on Monday, the President of France Emmanuel Macron highlighted the importance of knowing how to renew oneself in the face of the changing realities of the world. In his explanation to the French people and the international community in general, he addressed the mistakes we have made, and the inefficiencies we had tolerated and how we needed to use this time wisely to correct these, to be able to evolve into a cleaner and better world.  Nowhere is this reality greater than in the travel and tourism industry, the greatest victim of the international travel bans and closure of airspace. In business, when the market is great, it's a good time to engage in commerce and business generation. When the market is terrible…
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MENA Hotel Market Sentiment in April 2020

MENA Hotel Market Sentiment in April 2020

Company, Dubai, Progress, Tourism, Tratok, Website
By Nicholas Paillart, Chief Marketing Officer – Tratok. As the hospitality sector faces an existentialist crisis unprecedented in its history, one which has not only crashed occupancy, ADR and RevPAR levels to all-time lows, it is important to reach out to the hospitality industry to understand their views on the current situation, how they have responded to the pandemic and their thoughts on the market moving forward. Colliers International conducted a survey which the Research and Marketing Team at Tratok are pleased to analyze for you. Survey participants are from more than 25 cities in MENA. The majority of investments owned by respondents are in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt. 65% of participants own operational hotels. The balance have hotels under development. As a result, to the…
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Tratok announces our summary of progress over the first half of Q1 2020

Tratok announces our summary of progress over the first half of Q1 2020

Company, Dubai, Progress, Tourism, Tratok, Website
Halfway through the first quarter of the year, the team would like to summarize the 23 updates and milestones reached thus far. At almost four important updates per week, 2020 has started strongly. Thus far, 2020 has seen the following: Launch of the Application. Two new business licenses. Eight new strategic partnerships. Six updates to the travel aspect of the ecosystem. Three updates to the tokenomic aspect of the ecosystem. Two updates to the social aspect of the ecosystem. One update to the review aspect of the ecosystem. Announcement and selection of candidates for pilot testing the airline module to take place in March 2020. 60,000+ new real registrations (after the deletion of over 250,000 bot accounts). This, of course, is without considering our new promotion programs, entry into new…
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Don’t believe the hype! The numbers are fake! Tratok is not growing!

Don’t believe the hype! The numbers are fake! Tratok is not growing!

Company, Dubai, Progress, Tourism, Tratok, Website
Tratok has always been different. In an industry that is overcrowded with fraud, we have always ensured we champion technology and products and results over bogus promises and magic beans and exit scams to sunny islands. We are known for doing what others only promise to do. As such we wish to be clear with the public on a matter that we think is of vital importance. Recently, many have gotten excited over the fact that since January 2020, there have been over 212,000 new signups on This is not correct and 84% (at the 95 % confidence interval) of these accounts are fake. Therefore they have been deleted and banned. This action was taken in line with our strong anti-fraud and transparency stance. We are anti-hype and deception…
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Tratok announces one million prize giveaway to the public

Tratok announces one million prize giveaway to the public

Company, Dubai, Progress, Tourism, Tratok, Website
With the finishing touches being implemented into the Tratok travel ecosystem, our team has come up with a fun away for the public to win some nice prizes. One hundred (100) prizes of ten thousand (10,000) Tratok are up for grabs. To participate is very simple. You just need to take the following steps: Retweet this post with a picture of yourself wearing the Tratok Cap Snapchat Lens. You can activate the lens by clicking the following link: Tratok Cap Sign up to (If not already done so). Update your profile on with the new picture. Like this tweet and reply with a link to your user wall and with your image attached. Alternatively, you can take part on Facebook: here These are the only steps required,…
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Tratok is an evil entity – The facts that everyone should know!

Tratok is an evil entity – The facts that everyone should know!

Company, Dubai, Progress, Tourism, Tratok, Website
With all the rumours coming out of the bot communities and from TOS violating airdrop hunters (who can't even get the name of the token right), Tratok felt it the duty of the project members to confess that we have committed many "crimes" over the previous year. We admit that we are evil and confess to the following crimes: The team acknowledges that it was poor form to catch all the cheaters and deal with them. We should have let them rob us blind and steal to their heart's content. How dare we spend significant amounts of capital and labour to ensure the future of the project, the well being of the ecosystem and protect Tratok's genuine supporters? The team acknowledges it was evil of us to fund Tratok entirely…
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